E-shop: a world of advantages in just 3 steps

1. Create your account
To enjoy all the benefits of the E‑shop, please register by filling out the special form below or by clicking on Register in the menu at the top. This process is very fast and takes only 2 minutes.

2. Account validation
E‑shop is a channel reserved for Esaote healthcare professionals and distributors. Once you have created your account, we’ll need to check to see if you fall into one of these categories. Verification takes up to 24 hours.

3. Enjoy the benefits
The E‑shop catalog is constantly updated with new products and unmissable deals. Create an account to get access to your reserved area and be sure you don’t miss out on anything new as it becomes available.
Always with you, with the utmost attention to safety
More than just an e-commerce website. By purchasing through the E-shop, you can choose from a wide range of services and benefits offered by Esaote, with dedicated support throughout the purchasing process and assistance to ensure optimal equipment performance at all times.
Need help or support?
Do you need help choosing a product, learning how the E-shop works, getting in touch with the sales network or becoming one of our distributors? Do not hesitate to contact us to get all the answers you need.