Esaote E-shop

Esaote E-shop is the place to go for all the owners of Esaote equipment. If you want to renew your systems, upgrade your licences or simply search for spare parts register and search the catalog.

Top preconfigured ultrasound systems

New and refurbished ultrasound systems available in the catalog. Register to browse all the catalog

New and refurbished

New and refurbished probes available. Convex, microconvex, endocavitarie, linear and much more.

MyLab Lung Ultrasound Protocol

The intelligent partner in fighting against Covid-19

MyLab Lung Ultrasound Protocol for Covid-19

A step by step guide to scanning the LUNG, enabling you to trace all 14 zones (front, side and back) an check the pulmonary areas affected by SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.

POINT-OF-CARE SOLUTIONS Lung Ultrasound Protocol is now available in all our portable and cart-based systems (MyLabOmega, MyLabSigma, MyLabX7, MyLabX6, MyLabX5, MyLabX8,MyLab9)
Information might refer to products or modalities no yet approved in all countries.

For further details, please contact us.