Legal Notes

Please read the following terms carefully before using the Site

This Website has been provided by Esaote and can be used exclusively for information purposes, with the exception of what is set out in the "Site Registration and account creation" section. 
Use of the present site (including downloading content) is subject to the terms and conditions in these legal notes, subject to occasional modifications. However, the provisions set out in these legal notes are intended as guidelines and are not exhaustive. In general, any comportment that violates the existing rules and regulations, and the standards that have been recognized and accepted by the Internet community, are prohibited, even if they have not been expressly mentioned in these legal notes. If these terms and conditions are unacceptable, the user is asked not to use the Site and not download its contents.

Limited License

Esaote authorizes information ("Content") to be viewed and downloaded from the Site exclusively for personal not commercial reasons, with the exception of what is stated in the "Site Registration and account creation" section, or as regularly provided in the sections of the site dedicated to the purchase of products. This authorization does not constitute a transfer of rights concerning Content or copies of Content. This Site and its Content are protected by copyright and are the property of and/or managed by Esaote or accredited parties such as content, software or other Content suppliers. The user undertakes to respect all the international copyright laws while using this Site and to block unauthorized Content copying. The user is expected to observe all the information, restrictions and notes on the available content copyright accessed via the Site. Modifying, publishing, participating in the sale of, reproducing or creating Content imitations is prohibited. Transferring or participating in transferring Content to third parties is further prohibited, unless these last have been informed of the obligations deriving from these terms and conditions for use and have accepted them.

Non Responsibility Declarations

The present Site contents are provided "as is", with no guarantees, including their suitability to a specific use and are not in violation of intellectual property rights. Esaote provides no guarantee concerning the accuracy and completeness of this Site’s Content, nor does it guarantee the reliability of the advice, opinions, statements and information viewed or distributed by the Site in question. Esaote reserves the right to change the Site Content, such as products and prices described within, at any time and without warning. Esaote is under no obligation to update the Site Content. Information published on the Site could refer to products, programs or services that are not available in the user’s country. Please contact your local Esaote representative for information concerning products, programs and services available in your area. If current legislation does not allow the exclusion of implicit warranties, this exclusion may not apply to the user.

Third Party Sites

The Esaote Website may contain links to third party sites. Access to these sites involves exiting this Site. Linked sites are not overseen by Esaote, so the company is not responsible for content in the sites in question or from links included therein. The links mentioned above are provided solely for user convenience, and their inclusion on the Site does not imply any sponsorship, promotion, affiliation or association with the site linked by Esaote; the links provided by the company do not imply legal authorization to use trademarks, trade names, logos or copyright symbols that were displayed or are accessible via the links; nor does Esaote or its affiliated companies, accessible via the links, authorize use of their trademark, trade name, logo and copyright symbol. Access to any of the linked sites is at the user’s sole risk, and it is their responsibility to take all the necessary security precautions to protect their computer from viruses or other harmful elements. Esaote neither endorses nor makes any warranties or representations with respect to the linked Websites, to the information they contain, or to the products or services described therein.

User Provided Information

Esaote does not wish to receive confidential or proprietary information from the user through the Site, and therefore invites them not to proceed in this sense. The user accepts that all Content information provided to Esaote by them or third parties operating on their behalf are not considered confidential or proprietary. By providing Esaote with the above information or content, the user is granting the company an unlimited, irrevocable, universal and royalty-free license for use, reproduction, display, disclosure, transmission and distribution of the information and Content in question, and also recognizes Esaote’s right to freely use any idea, concept or know-how provided to it directly or through third parties acting on the user’s behalf. The user also acknowledges that Esaote does not wish to receive defamatory, threatening, obscene, harassing or otherwise illegal materials or information, or which incorporates material owned by others, and undertakes not to do so.

Limitation of Responsibility

Under no circumstances will Esaote and its affiliates be held liable for any damage or loss, including, by way of example, direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages, loss of profit, business interruption and loss of information, programs or other data on its information management system, deriving from or caused by the Esaote Website and/or its contents, from the use or inability to use the Website or from errors, inaccuracies or omissions in the contents of the Site or in those provided by third parties.

International Users and Legal Venue

The Site is managed and administrated by Esaote offices, with headquarters in Italy, pursuant to the country's current legislation. Esaote does not guarantee that the Site contents are appropriate or available for users in other parts outside Italy and does not grant access to such contents from areas where they are considered illegal. Using the Site or exporting its contents in violation of Italian laws and regulations is prohibited. If access to the Site is effected from outside Italy, the user is expected to respect local legislation. These terms and conditions for use will be governed by Italian law. Any disputes must be settled by the Court of Milan. These legal notes constitute the entire regulation between Esaote and the user regarding the latter’s use of the Site. Any legal action arising from the use of the Site must be initiated after one (1) year from the submission of the complaint or legal action. If a court judges any of the clauses contained in these legal notices to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or non-enforceability will not compromise the other clauses contained therein, which will continue to have full force and effect.

Site Registration and creating an account

To use certain services, including for commercial purposes, the user is required to create their own account by registering in the reserved area through the appropriate "Register" section, observing the following.
The user must fill in all the obligatory fields in the registration form and, at their discretion, the additional optional fields, by entering real, correct, complete and truthful data. The user is required to communicate any changes in the information provided immediately, either by independently modifying their position within their account or by writing to the dedicated e-mail address.
During registration, the user will have to select and confirm a password based on the security criteria indicated. <>The user is required to keep their account access credentials (username and password) confidential, to control access to their devices and, under their own responsibility, to keep the access credentials to their own account with due care, diligence and secrecy; they are made aware and acknowledge that all acts performed through the use of their account will be attributed to them.
The user is required to notify Esaote immediately of any unauthorized or improper use of their login credentials, or to report any situations that give them reason to believe that there have been violations by third parties.
Esaote cannot be held responsible in any way for the activities carried out on the Site by third parties in possession of the user's credentials.
Esaote reserves the right to reject a new registration, to prevent access to the services or to cancel an account at any time, as well as to request validation of the account if it deems that an invalid email address or credentials have been used, or if the user's behavior constitutes a serious reason. In particular, violation of current legislation, of contractual provisions, including these Legal Notes, constitutes a serious reason.
The user ensures that all information provided to Esaote at any time is in its legitimate availability and does not violate any third party rights.